Grid Fabrics was launched in October 2020 by Catriona Easton and Sally McAdam. After years of happily curating an imaginary fabric shop, they decided to go for it and open a real online store so they can live their dream of touching as much fabric as possible.
Sally and Catriona both love sewing, especially together on rainy afternoons with lots of tea, cake, chat, and mutual encouragement when they get to a scary bit. They’re having a great time choosing beautiful fabric from all over the world, the kind of fabric that makes you excited to start your next project.
They would LOVE to see what you’re stitching up with your Grid Fabrics purchases, tag @gridfabrics on Instagram!
We don't have a physical shop you can visit at the moment, but we're based in Glasgow (Central Chambers, 93 Hope Street, Glasgow, G2 6LD) and hope to have some open days soon.